

Tongue Cleaning

While brushing and flossing remove bacteria from teeth and gums, as much as 50% of the bacteria in the mouth live on the surface of our tongue. And it’s these bacteria in particular that can be one cause of bad breath. The best and most effective way of neutralising bacteria that live on the tongue […]

Dental Examinations……Taking a Closer Look

 Did you know that this is all included in your routine examination? Updating your general health details Checking for pain and discomfort Checking the jaw joints Analysing the occlusion (bite) Assessing the soft tissue for infections or other conditions Oral cancer check Confirmation that previous dental work is satisfactory Recording measurements of the gums to […]


The tiny gaps between teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach make a perfect hiding place for food particles and bacteria. If they’re allowed to remain there for a long time, these bacteria can start to destroy gum tissue as well as the bones and ligaments that support teeth. Flossing removes bacteria and food particles from […]

Yes or No to Fruit Juices & Smoothies??

Parents are continually being informed of the virtues of ensuring that their children have enough fruit on a daily basis and a large proportion of parents are facilitating this through giving their children fruit juice and smoothies. According to a report in the Telegraph, however, dentists are warning parents that they risk rotting their children’s […]

Case of the Week: Space Closure using Porcelain Veneers

We would like to share this case with you as our case of the week! This lady did not like the colour, alignment or large space between her front teeth, however she did not wish to mask the gap completely as she felt it added character to her smile and she wanted to have a natural […]


A major problem of smoking is that it tends to disguise the damage taking place to teeth and gums. Usually infected gums are red, puffy and bleed easily when they are brushed. Smokers’ gums are not like this – they are pale and thin and do not bleed readily. The Role of Nicotine The nicotine […]

Oral Piercing

It’s important to know the facts about tongue and lip piercings so that you can make informed decisions. In the best case scenario, soreness and swelling will be the only symptoms experienced following the piercing procedure, however in some cases, damaged teeth, excessive bleeding and infection can occur. Tongue piercing involves a needle being inserted […]

ABB ‘Align, Bleach & Bond’

After reading some great reviews about our practice, this lady from Bangor came to find out what her options were in regards to smile improvements for her top teeth only.   She wanted to have her perfect smile for her upcoming wedding. She did not like the alignment, colour or shape of her upper front teeth.   […]

Tooth-Friendly Foods

Most people think that sweets and lollies are the main foods to blame for tooth decay but bacteria not only use the sugar in sweets to create acid but can also use any food that contains sugars and other carbohydrates. This includes fruits, peanut butter, biscuits, crackers, potato chips, dried fruit, snack bars, muesli bars […]