

Master the Bass Technique: Brush Better, Smile Brighter!

Toothbrushing is a simple task, but lots of people brush their teeth incorrectly, either skipping around the teeth so much that they don’t really clean anything or rubbing so hard that they damage their teeth and gums. No matter how well you try to brush your teeth, some bacteria will always be left behind. Dental […]

Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Preventive Care for Long-Term Health

Minimal intervention dentistry is a successful way of keeping your mouth dentally fit, which in turn can improve your overall general health. It works because it encourages you to work with your dentist or hygienist to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It combines the very best up-to-date knowledge from the team, which continually improves […]

Conservative Smile Makeover with Veneer and Bonding Techniques

This patient presented to Creative Smiles very concerned with the colour deterioration of his front tooth and the gaps between the front four teeth. He also felt that his two front teeth were too long. We decided, along with this patient, that we would take a conservative approach and use a porcelain veneer to rejuvenate […]

Smoking & Oral Health

For many years, it has been recognised that smoking and chewing tobacco are bad for our general health, and most people are now aware of that. It can cause a variety of different medical problems and, in some cases, fatal diseases. However, many people don’t realise the damage that smoking does to their mouth, gums, […]