

The oral health of a meat-eater is not a patch on a vegetarian’s, according to the results of a new study

German researchers discovered that veggies have healthier gums than meat-eaters and are therefore less likely to suffer from bleeding gums, tooth loss, and other potentially life-threatening conditions. However, it was not all good news for vegetarians. The study also revealed they suffered from more tooth decay and were less likely to visit their dentist, despite […]

Record Numbers Seeking Braces For a Beautiful Smile

A record number of people are seeking out braces to achieve a celebrity smile the natural way. More than one million people are looking for braces to bring a beautiful smile back to their faces rather than undergoing alternative invasive treatments. Clinically recognised, virtually invisible orthodontic treatment, Invisalign, has reported a 25 percent increase in […]

Are You Giving Your Teeth The Brush Off?

New statistics show that millions of people are likely to give cleaning their teeth the brush off. A further one in five people is most likely to forget flossing. The findings have been revealed by the British Dental Health Foundation as part of its National Smile Month campaign. The results of the survey also show […]

Tooth Brushing Tips….

The minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly: Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush from where the tooth and gum meet to the chewing surface in short circular strokes. Brushing too hard can […]

Northern Ireland Teenagers Tooth Decay Levels Among The Worst In Europe

According to a recent study carried out by the BBC, Northern Ireland teenagers have some of the highest levels of tooth decay in Europe. Poor diet, social deprivation, and a non-fluoridated water supply all contribute to this problem. As well as highlighting the standard of oral hygiene, the report also found that teenagers in poorer […]

Halitosis – Bad breath

Fresh breath is important to everyone, not least when you get up close and personal. Bad breath (halitosis) is incredibly off-putting and very difficult to handle for all concerned. While most cases of halitosis are related to a cause within the mouth, there are other, rarer sources of halitosis. Bad breath in the morning is […]

Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Preventive Care for Long-Term Health

Minimal intervention dentistry is a successful way of keeping your mouth dentally fit, which in turn can improve your overall general health. It works because it encourages you to work with your dentist or hygienist to keep your teeth and gums healthy. It combines the very best up-to-date knowledge from the team, which continually improves […]

Top 10 Teeth Treats

Water Essential for transporting calcium and other essential minerals in and out of the cell membranes for optimal dental health. Cherries, blackcurrants, and blueberries High in bioflavonoid to protect gums. Low-fat milk and cheese Calcium-rich for teeth and bones. If you’re lactose-intolerant, find alternatives made from ewe, goat, or buffalo milk. Tea The flavonoid in […]

Dental Implants

This lady below had worn an upper acrylic denture for many, many years. She thought that she was too young to be wearing dentures and hated the fact that she had to remove the dentures at night in order to clean them and her surrounding teeth. She came to see us to discuss what alternatives […]