

Smile Design with Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that provide a new front surface for your teeth. Here at Creative Smiles, we use high-quality porcelain material and technicians for our veneers, which is the best option when it comes to such treatment. Veneers offer great versatility and can be used for an assortment of tooth problems: they […]

Case of the Week: Space Closure using Porcelain Veneers

We would like to share this case with you as our case of the week! This lady did not like the colour, alignment, or large space between her front teeth; however, she did not wish to mask the gap completely as she felt it added character to her smile and she wanted to have a […]

Case Study: Treatment for a Gummy Smile

Case Study: We would like to share this case completed by Mr. Gilbert demonstrating the use of a smile design on a 25-year-old female patient. This case involved a gum lengthening procedure on this young lady’s front eight teeth to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile and to lengthen her teeth. After a healing […]

Case Study: Achieving a Perfect Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that provide a new front surface for your teeth. Here at Creative Smiles, we use high-quality porcelain material for our veneers, which is the best option when it comes to such treatment. Veneers offer great versatility and can be used for an assortment of tooth problems: they can be […]

High Quality Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that provide a new front surface for your teeth. Here at Creative Smiles, we use high-quality porcelain material for our veneers, which is the best option when it comes to such treatment. Veneers offer great versatility and can be used for an assortment of tooth problems: they can be […]

State of the Art Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that provide a new front surface for your teeth. Here at Creative Smiles, we use high-quality porcelain material for our veneers, which is the best option when it comes to such treatment. Veneers offer great versatility and are able to be used for an assortment of tooth problems: they […]

Bring your smile back to life!

We would like to share this recent case completed at Creative Smiles. This lady came to see us because she didn’t like the look of the two veneers she had placed on her lateral incisor teeth many years ago. She felt that they had become worn and old-looking, and yellow lines had appeared above the […]

Never too old for a Smile Make-over!!

This lovely lady from Lisburn, now in her seventies, who has been a longstanding patient of our practice for many years, came to see us for her routine examination appointment. At her appointment, she asked us about having some smile improvements made. She felt that her teeth were ageing her. She did not like the […]

Lisburn Lady’s Smile Transformed: Crowns, Veneers, and Confidence Restored

This young lady from Lisburn came to see us because she was unhappy with her smile. She disliked her two central teeth, which had been crowned a long time ago. She was also concerned with the old fillings on her front lateral incisors and the ‘pink’ stain on her upper right lateral incisor tooth. After […]