

Bring your smile back to life!

We would like to share this recent case completed at Creative Smiles. This lady came to see us because she didn’t like the look of the two veneers she had placed on her lateral incisor teeth many years ago. She felt that they had become worn and old-looking, and yellow lines had appeared above the […]

Get a Bright, White Smile for the Holidays with Creative Smiles!

Many of us will be planning what to wear for all our upcoming Christmas parties! What better way to boost your confidence than with a sparkling white smile to match your new outfit? Whitening your teeth can be a low-cost, simple way to make you feel better about the way you look. One of the […]

Latest Update on Dental Whitening

Tooth whitening is the most common cosmetic dental procedure. In the national and regional news recently, tooth whitening has been a hot topic for discussion. Thousands of people have their teeth whitened every year in high streets and shopping centres by staff with no formal dental training. The General Dental Council is calling for tougher […]

An Interesting Trauma Case at Creative Smiles!

This gentleman came to Creative Smiles after suffering trauma to his upper front teeth. Due to the extent of the trauma, his upper left lateral incisor tooth had to be removed, leaving a gap. His other front teeth were broken and discoloured due to nerve damage resulting from the trauma as well. This patient had […]

The Art Of Smile Design using Porcelain Veneers

SMILE DESIGN MAKE-OVER AT CREATIVE SMILES! This lovely lady came to see us at Creative Smiles extremely self-conscious about her smile. She felt that her teeth looked too small and that she showed too much gum. She was mostly aware of her smile when talking to people, so much so that she covered her mouth […]

Create a New Whiter Smile for 2011!!

Thursday 20th January A New Year has begun, and with it comes another opportunity to reassess and go forward! Many of us will by now have started a new health regime involving healthy eating or a form of exercise plan to shake off the festive excess!  What better way to boost your confidence and start […]