As part of our comprehensive patient care at Creative Smiles, our patients are asked to fill out a comprehensive medical history. The reasons for this are twofold: for us to give the safest possible treatment and to tailor the treatment to your individual needs.
There are some conditions, such as diabetes, that have a manifestation in the mouth. Some conditions can cause dry mouth, which increases the risk of decay, so we can advise patients on the best preventative course of action. Other conditions can change the tissues in the mouth; enlarged gums and a fissured tongue are examples that may worry a patient, but knowing their full medical history enables them to explain that they are a symptom of a condition they have rather than a new, different problem.
We also ask for a list of medications that the patient is taking; this includes prescribed medications and over-the-counter medications. Knowing this information allows us to prescribe any medications you may need safely. Some medications can interact with each other, so it is important to know exactly what a patient is on.
Certain heart and stroke medications thin the blood or reduce clotting, so again, we must be fully informed to provide any surgical treatment, such as extractions or implant placement, in the safest possible environment for the patient.
So when you come to visit us, you can expect us to want to know a lot about you, and I will do so by providing the highest level of care possible.