This young lady came to see us at Creative Smiles, hoping to have a smile makeover. She was very self-conscious about her teeth, and a lot of the time she had her hand positioned across her mouth so that people could not see her teeth. We presented her with all her available options, and she decided to wear our virtually invisible brace, ‘Invisalign’.
This was the ideal choice for this patient’s individual needs, as she wished to have a discreet brace fitted so that no one could see it and one that would not affect her speech for work purposes.
This individual case took 1 year and 5 months to complete. The Invisalign aligners, using state-of-the-art technology from the United States, moved the teeth gently into alignment until they were in the perfect position.
We also provided the patient with a complimentary whitening kit. This offer applies to all our patients here at Creative Smiles.
To finish off, we replaced some old discoloured white fillings on the front teeth using a technique called ‘cosmetic bonding‘ to improve tooth proportions!
A fantastic result, as you can see, and a very happy young lady who is now very confident with her smile, so much so that she is now wearing lipstick for the first time ever!
Contact our Patient Care Coordinator, Leanne, on 028 90618545 for further details on Invisalign!